Wednesday, 1 January 2014

One Year...No Beer - Completed!

I'm pleased to report that last night as the bells chimed for 2014, I completed my year without any alcohol!

And because I enjoyed the alcohol free lifestyle so much I'm going to continue being a "non drinker", and I enjoyed waking this New Year morning with no hangover.

A massive thanks to everyone who supported me on my year without beer, whether it was online or in person. Thank you all!

If your thinking of cutting down on drinking alcohol I'd recommend checking out the website - - as there are lots of good tips and advice on there to get started on your journey into the wonderful world of no booze!

So I'll sign off for now, but may update this blog from time to time. The blog will certainly be a nice memento for me of 2013 my alcohol free year.

Here's to a happy and healthy, hangover free, new year!