Wednesday, 6 February 2013

One Year - No Beer: 10% Complete

So today is a mini-milestone in my year without alcohol. As it's February 6th (day 37) my year of sobriety is 10% complete.

So there's 90% of the year to go. Yikes!

It already seems like a long time since that evening back on 31st December when I made my decision to give up alcohol for the year.

I'm feeling clear headed, pretty healthy, and I don't miss the booze one bit. Alcohol is not featuring in my life at the moment, and if it wasn't for this blog I probably wouldn't even be giving it a second thought!

I'm also amazed what interest my year without beer has received out there on the Web. My twitter feed has nearly 250 followers, and this blog nearly 700 hits. I'm really honoured that so many of you have taken an interested in my tee-total journey/experiment!

I've also been looking at some similar online blogs where people have recorded going for a year without alcohol. 

They're all different and inspiring in their own way. A quick search for "one year no beer" on Google brings up dozens of them (mine is 4th - yay!). Two that I found particularly interesting where and also

So perhaps sometime in the future someone will look at this blog and decide too to give up the booze for a year! If that's you - go for it - I'd recommend it!


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed my blog. I had a great time writing it. It was a year I'll never forget and I hope you have some of the fun I had trying new things. Good luck...I'll follow with interest

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  3. Thanks DC! Your blog was a real inspiration when I decided to give up alcohol for a year. Well done on your alcohol free year! :}
