Saturday 2 February 2013

One Month without Alchohol

Stand Firm
So January has come and gone!

My main observations on my year without alcohol so far are that:

  • The thirty-one days have passed quickly
  • Not drinking is easier than expected
  • I've enjoyed interacting with like minded people on Twitter
  • I have saved by not spending money on alcohol
  • I've had dreams about drinking...
  • ...and then felt relieved that it was only a dream
  • I don't have any particular cravings for alcohol
  • I enjoy waking up at weekends with a clear head
  • People that I know have accepted that I don't drink (well mostly)
  • I've been thinking that after this year is over, I might just not drink for good (still undecided)

So overall I feel that the positive effects of not drinking far outweigh the perceived benefits of booze.

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