Tuesday 31 December 2013

365 days - no beer!

Only six hours or so left of 2013, and it looks like I've almost done it - a year without drinking any alcohol.

Not drinking this year has saved me an estimated £780 (not including any money I would have spent in pubs, or taxis that I would have taken to and from nights out etc).

I also weigh half-a-stone lighter than this time last year (not a huge amount I know but the goal wasn't about losing weight).

Having no hangovers has been fantastic.

I thoroughly enjoyed not drinking alcohol. I'm going to try to stop using the phrase "giving up" alcohol because I feel I've not actually done without anything - and the list of gains are by far more significant and substantial.

Are you thinking of giving up alcohol for a year (or more)? Do it, do it, do it, I would say.

As I said on this blog exactly 12 months ago today - here's to a happy and healthy new year!

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