Monday 28 January 2013

Not drinking alcohol annoys other drinkers...

"If you stop smoking you are a hero; if you stop drinking you are seen as a freak" (Jason Vale, Kick the Drink Easily).

I'm trying to stop using the phrase "given up" in relation to not drinking alcohol. The words "given up" implies that you are missing out on something good. Sacrificing something.

In reality I'm feeling that I haven't "given up" anything by not drinking alcohol. In fact I'm gaining much more than I've ever given up!

Some drinkers really don't like it when they hear you're not drinking. Some will laugh and doubt that you'll manage to stay off the booze, perhaps secretly hoping that you'll eventually give into temptation and prove them right!

Not drinking is almost socially unacceptable in our booze oriented culture. Alcohol is everywhere and there must be something wrong it you're not drinking the stuff. As Jason Vale says in his book, alcohol seems to be the only drug you have to justify not taking.

Does any of the following sound familiar?

Drinker: So why don't you drink (you must have been a problem drinker)?
Non-drinker: I don't like the taste, the damage alcohol does, and I can do without the hangovers.
Drinker: How are you finding it (it must be really difficult)?
Non-drinker: Easy. It is easy not to pour a liquid into your body that is poisonous.
Drinker: How long have you given up (how likely is it you're going to start drinking again soon)?
Non-drinker: Four weeks and I'm still going strong. I'm free from an addictive substance. Anyway, how is the alcohol drinking going? 

So if you've decided not to drink whether it be for a month, a year, or for the rest of your life, remember that there is nothing wrong or unusual with not wanting to fill your body with an addictive and damaging substance.

Me, I'm quite happy to be free of it for the year!


  1. I applaud you for doing this! Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks for the support music2medicine! :)
