Tuesday 22 January 2013

22 Days - No Beer

So that's 22 days of no beer (that's only 342 days of my sober journey left). I have to say that I'm not missing the booze.

I think that on some level you can condition yourself into not drinking alcohol. Once the mind realises that the possibility of drink is not an option any cravings for a beer stop.

Three weekends have passed since I gave up alcohol, and I have noticed that when driving home from work on a Friday night the thought of "a cool" beer is quite an attractive option. But I've resisted, and after a few minutes or so the thought disappears. It is probably the remains of an old habit - that Friday night = beer! Friday night did equal beer for me for a long time.

I was out for a meal on Saturday night before going to the cinema with my wife and sister in law. As we were waiting on our table I ordered a round of drinks from the bar. It didn't even feel strange drinking a soft drink infact I didn't even think about it until somebody asked how it felt being in a restaurant full of people drinking!

Ice cold soda water and blackcurrant is my drink of choice at the moment. It is really refreshing, and I enjoyed drinking a couple of pints of it. No hangovers, and at less than £1 my wallet is getting a break from the booze too!

(By the way the movie we saw was Les Miserables, and I enjoyed it much more than I expected!)

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