Saturday 5 January 2013

Hangover Anxiety

What I call "hangover anxiety" is one of a number of key reasons why I have made the decision to kick the booze for 2013.

I believe that unless you've really experienced true anxiety they day after heavy drinking it is difficult to imagine what it is like. It's also difficult to explain, especially as most of the feelings are often completely irrational!

Imagine your worst feelings of the post alcohol blues and multiply them by a hundred!

I would describe it as, after heavy drinking:

- Intense anxiety and depression that come in waves, especially after waking.
- Feelings that you've said/done something daft, silly or otherwise embarrassing under the influence of booze - even when you know you haven't.
- Feeling really guilty about the amount you drank, the amount of money you spent, or the time you've wasted drinking and being hungover.
- Waking up very early the morning after drinking with feelings of worry.
- Loss of confidence.
- Feelings of despair, fear or panic.
- A combination of the above!

Add to this the physical exhaustion caused by heavy drinking and you have a truly miserable combination, lasting sometimes more than a day.

I didn't experience this every time I drank, but every now and again I did experience anxiety to different extents, usually after particularly heaving drinking that went late into the night (I believe the lack if sleep was also a contributory factor).

I also felt it worse after drinking darker coloured drinks e.g. Guinness or red wine, or after mixing drinks.

If you are feeling hangover anxiety right now, know that it will pass. Drink lots of water, eat something healthy and rest as much as you can.

If drink causes you to feel like this regularly maybe it is time to quit. Imagine if, take for example - eating too much cake - made you feel this way, you probably wouldn't eat cake.

But alcohol is a different entity all together!

So I'm looking forward to a year of being free from the dreaded hangover anxiety!


  1. Hey...wanted to say nice blog. I found it on a google search for "anxiety waves hangover" (without quotes), this showed up on the first page of results. Wanted to see if anyone else felt this hard to describe feeling that I get sometimes. I think you're right, I usually get it when I mix drinks, and when I begin a heavy drinking session after not really sleeping enough the night before.

    A nap can help but I'm usually so stressed that I can't relax enough to sleep.

    Anyway good luck on your 1 year with no beer. It's an impressive goal and it looks like you're doing well so far. It may just have inspired me a bit.

  2. Thank you for sharing such great information.Hangover PreventionIt is informative, can you help me in finding out more detail on breakdown assist,i am interested and would like to know more about this field and wanted to understand the basics of avoid hangover after drinking .

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don’t have time for hangovers and I’m sure you don’t either. If I’m drinking, I like to take Detoxicated before and after with a glass of water. I find it seriously helps and works as a sort of hangover cure, I swear. Try it! Flyby hangover pills
